Friday, October 31, 2008


Not in the mood to talk too much, so here are some pics. Enjoy!

Daddy and LynLee

LynLee and her Cousins

Me, my sissy and our kids

LynLee with hair

Everette with Hair

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Life at it's worst.....

So, on Thursday we got a call at home and it was a family member telling us that another family member of my husbands had passed away. I did not tell my husband until he got home from work. All the while I was pondering what life had in store for each of us and how we handled it. I have had many deaths in my life from my side of the family. I'd say too many for someone my age, but again it's what life had in store for me.

It was sad that my husbands cousin passed on, but not surprising what he died from. If you live too fast and too furious you expect it to take you the same way. I am not sure what age he was, but he was young enough that it was a tragedy all the same.

I often wonder what life has in store for me, but then quickly brush it away since I am happy where life has me. I have a wonderful husband and a sweet baby girl, a dog, two cats and a bird. I guess that death makes you think about life and appreciate it even more. Jayson Jenkins will be missed and will always live in the hearts of those who knew him.

Smile :)
and live well!

Friday, October 24, 2008

Foto Friday (Better Late than Never!)

Casper Sleeping in my Magazine Rack

LynLee and her Cookie (with Mess)

LynLee Cleaning her Cookie Mess

She is eating her Wand.
The Girl loves her tongue!

Sleeping like an Angel!

Thursday, October 23, 2008


I have started my Christmas shopping!!! I know, I know, no one would like to hear that there are only NINE Paydays 'til Christmas IF you are paid WEEKLY. The sad part is that there are only FIVE paydays left until Chirstmas IF you are paid BI-WEEKLY. That should make everyone hate me to hear this.

But I am only bragging because I have a few people bought for already and wanted to show everyone what I am doing to my niece and nephew in Montana. Plus I wanted to let everyone know that K-Mart still has lay-away for those of us who do not want to max ourselves out using credit cards. And for those of us who don't have that much credit, but have several people to purchase for. lol
Enjoy the pics and the info!

SMILE!!! :)

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


No thoughts today, so here is a pic or two:

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


So, I was looking around the I-net to find out how to make some cute picture collages or use borders to put my pictures on the blog in one set rather than using several different pictures. I have not succeeded in finding what I was looking for.........but I found something fun! I ran into SCRAPBLOG.COM. You can scrapbook your pics online and they come out so darn cute and it's really fun to make.

Click on my link on the right to My Scrapbook ( and you can see what I did in about an hour an a half.

So I am still on my search for the cute little borders for combined photos, but don't have the resources to pay for Photoshop or the like.

If anyone knows of a way to make borders and collage my photos to add to my blog let me know.


Sunday, October 19, 2008

Tea Factory

So, we went to Celestial Seasonings in Boulder, CO. It was really cool. My husband did not get to go on the tour as we took the baby. You can only take children five and older in. Probably because the baby cannot touch things! No not really, there is a fine dust in the air and it could get into the littlest ones lungs. And it was fine that the hubby could not go, he works in the factory, he knows the layout and all of the aspects. So he waited outside with the baby, but it was really nice out so it was not a problem. The tour was pretty cool, as I said. They took us through the whole plant from start to finish. Did you know that they receive the tea components as a whole product. So if you read that the tea has hibiscus in it, then the factory received whole hibiscus flowers that were dried. They "clean" all of the dried flowers by air and a vacuum. The ingredient will get hosed off with air and sifted so any debris that is heavy, per say rocks, fall to the bottom while a vacuum of sorts will get any of the dust that is sifted off. Next they will "mulch" it up and make it smaller so it will fit into the tea bags and they can mix it with the other ingredients. Next they mix the tea together and "shake" it so the ingredients are equally distributed. After this it is seperated into small piles and layed out on the tea bag paper and another layer will be put on top and then heat sealed, making the tea bag. They do not use string and paper for the tea bags and they save paper and trees this way. Then they package the tea into boxes, put a shrink wrap on that, put the small boxes that get put on pallets, that is then wrapped in a plastic wrap and the whole pallet gets shipped out across the US. The best fact about the plant is that it is the only plant that Celestial Seasonings uses for their tea making process. They do not make tea in any other factory.

Then after all of that they had a huge case lot sale in their parking lot. They had tons of tea and it was only $1 a box!!! We bought a few, but my husband gets to bring home different types of tea to try, so we did not want to buy too much. It was actually a pretty fun day. My mother-in-law and brother-in-law went too. By the time we left, though, we had three huge bags full of tea and other stuff.

If anyone came out to Colorado I would say that this is one thing that you should try to go and see. PLUS, I forgot, that they have a whole area while you are waiting for the tour that you get to taste samples of various teas. They have honey, sugar, half and half, soy milk, and sugar substitutes to add to your sample. You can try the cold brew teas or the hot teas. Plus if they don't have one type of tea out that you want to try you can request it from the counter and they will give you a tea bag! It really was great.

Well that was my big moment for the weekend! I hope you all had a good weekend as well.

Smile ;)


Saturday, October 18, 2008


Today, we are going to the Tea Factory. Well, it's the place where my husband works. He works for Celestial Seasonings and they have tours of the factory to see how the tea is made and the miracles of tea making. They actually get to bring some tea home every Thursday, so it's pretty nifty. I get to try all sorts of tea and he gets a paycheck. lol I will let you know how it goes and maybe, if I am allowed, I will put some pics on here later.

Have a good Weekend,
Smile :)

Friday, October 17, 2008

Foto Friday

So, I have decided that on a blog that I have seen they had a cute idea to put photos on her blog on fridays. I am going to steal that really cute Idea and put pics of the baby and maybe any other things that tickle my fancy.
Smile :)

P.S. also in the name of stealing and giving credit, the Smile :) idea came from a dear friend of mine who passed away due to colon cancer. She fought it out as long as she could, but ultimately God wanted her to come home.
This blog dedicated to: Connie Jean Smith-Linder 1975-2007

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Stay-At-Home Moms

So, I have decided that I understand how it is that stay-at-home moms come to the point in their everyday lives where they don't do their hair or make-up. It gets easier and easier to stay in my comfy lounge wear day to day when I don't have to go anywhere. I have become the proverbial frumpy housewife. Not to say that when I do need to go out to, say, the store that I just go looking like a glump. I get ready and wear nice clothes and I even do my minimal make-up. But minimal make-up with my coloring works just fine. Anywho, I just came to this conclusion so I thought that I would share.

Smile :)


Wednesday, October 15, 2008

LynLee Eats

So, Yesterday we fed LynLee Rice Cereal. It's not the first time, but it is the start to her eating "real" food. She seems interested in our food when we eat, so it seems natural to start her on cereal. She seemed to like it pretty well. She has decided that rolling is beneath her and she will only roll over in an extreme case. Oh, well. She also would not roll for my sister when we went back to Utah to visit. It seems that most children will not perform the cutest "tricks" when you want them to. It's almost as if they don't want to perform like a flippin' dog! lol

Smile : )


Tuesday, October 14, 2008


We finally decorated the house. It's cute, but it's not really scary. Good! That way the littlest kids will still want to come to our house to Trick or Treat. Which is really odd since I really can't stand other peoples children. Now, don't get me wrong. I love kids. As long as they are disciplined and not allowed to run amok or act like heathens. I used to have a friend that told me that when I had kids I would have little robots. That's not true. I will have children that are scared to do anything wrong for fear of death (not really.) Just as it should be. My mother had "The Look." It was one of those looks that made you sorry that you were alive. BUT, I always knew my place and I was not one of those children that people wanted to have leave the minute I got there. Let's take for example my nephews and neices: they are all well behaved and everyone comments on it-well, the older children have gone off the deep end, but the smaller children are exceptionally well behaved. They are typical children. Sibling rivalry and all. But they know what is expected of them out in public. So, where was I? Oh yes, other children. I want them to have fun and come Trick or Treating, but I also want them to behave. Is that too much to ask? Let me know. lol

Smile : )

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Another day gone!

Well, I did not get the Halloween decorating done on the outside of the house. I think that the day got away from me. No, I know the day got away from me. But it was not a total flop. I finished two quilts, one for my baby girl and one for me! I was so proud. Plus I need to go to the store to buy some more creepy crawly things and spider webs. Still not much goes on here in good ol' Colorado. LynLee has decided that she does not want to sleep at night, so we fight with her. Well, daddy works nights, so "I" fight with her. Also she does not like to lie down to play, she is a big girl and wants to sit up. Such a pain when her little bottom is too round to allow her to sit up entirely. lol I guess its all as new to me as it is to her. Anyhow, we will try again on Saturday. Should be variably easier to accomplish when we have the whole day.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Everyday Living

So today is much like any other day....sitting at the computer checking out my email and myspace. But unlike most days I am going to decorate for Halloween. We have a daughter now so it makes sense to get into the habit of creating the atmosphere of Spooky, yet fun! I do, however, have to talk my husband out of really scary items as it is a kid holiday and the kids will not come if the house is too scary. Try telling that to an over zealous man who means well, but still wants to scare the hell out of the children! Well, pics will be on here later to see what was done to the house (and who won the fight on decorating techniques.)

Smile :)