Tuesday, October 14, 2008


We finally decorated the house. It's cute, but it's not really scary. Good! That way the littlest kids will still want to come to our house to Trick or Treat. Which is really odd since I really can't stand other peoples children. Now, don't get me wrong. I love kids. As long as they are disciplined and not allowed to run amok or act like heathens. I used to have a friend that told me that when I had kids I would have little robots. That's not true. I will have children that are scared to do anything wrong for fear of death (not really.) Just as it should be. My mother had "The Look." It was one of those looks that made you sorry that you were alive. BUT, I always knew my place and I was not one of those children that people wanted to have leave the minute I got there. Let's take for example my nephews and neices: they are all well behaved and everyone comments on it-well, the older children have gone off the deep end, but the smaller children are exceptionally well behaved. They are typical children. Sibling rivalry and all. But they know what is expected of them out in public. So, where was I? Oh yes, other children. I want them to have fun and come Trick or Treating, but I also want them to behave. Is that too much to ask? Let me know. lol

Smile : )

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