So, we went to Celestial Seasonings in Boulder, CO. It was really cool. My husband did not get to go on the tour as we took the baby. You can only take children five and older in. Probably because the baby cannot touch things! No not really, there is a fine dust in the air and it could get into the littlest ones lungs. And it was fine that the hubby could not go, he works in the factory, he knows the layout and all of the aspects. So he waited outside with the baby, but it was really nice out so it was not a problem. The tour was pretty cool, as I said. They took us through the whole plant from start to finish. Did you know that they receive the tea components as a whole product. So if you read that the tea has hibiscus in it, then the factory received whole hibiscus flowers that were dried. They "clean" all of the dried flowers by air and a vacuum. The ingredient will get hosed off with air and sifted so any debris that is heavy, per say rocks, fall to the bottom while a vacuum of sorts will get any of the dust that is sifted off. Next they will "mulch" it up and make it smaller so it will fit into the tea bags and they can mix it with the other ingredients. Next they mix the tea together and "shake" it so the ingredients are equally distributed. After this it is seperated into small piles and layed out on the tea bag paper and another layer will be put on top and then heat sealed, making the tea bag. They do not use string and paper for the tea bags and they save paper and trees this way. Then they package the tea into boxes, put a shrink wrap on that, put the small boxes that get put on pallets, that is then wrapped in a plastic wrap and the whole pallet gets shipped out across the US. The best fact about the plant is that it is the only plant that Celestial Seasonings uses for their tea making process. They do not make tea in any other factory.
Then after all of that they had a huge case lot sale in their parking lot. They had tons of tea and it was only $1 a box!!! We bought a few, but my husband gets to bring home different types of tea to try, so we did not want to buy too much. It was actually a pretty fun day. My mother-in-law and brother-in-law went too. By the time we left, though, we had three huge bags full of tea and other stuff.
If anyone came out to Colorado I would say that this is one thing that you should try to go and see. PLUS, I forgot, that they have a whole area while you are waiting for the tour that you get to taste samples of various teas. They have honey, sugar, half and half, soy milk, and sugar substitutes to add to your sample. You can try the cold brew teas or the hot teas. Plus if they don't have one type of tea out that you want to try you can request it from the counter and they will give you a tea bag! It really was great.
Well that was my big moment for the weekend! I hope you all had a good weekend as well.
Smile ;)